Who we are
Libertà nel Tricolore is a Socio-Political-Cultural association of Liberal-Democratic backgrounds that aims as main goal to restore the image of Italy at national and international level. We believe that, with no intention to criticise anyone, the currrent political situation would need a radical renovation to put first the interests of citizens and not those of politicians and/or other bodies. The political forces that have been in power so far have led for better and/or worse Italy where it is now. We want to say stop to fruitless criticism, to a politics managed as a show, to derogatory acts and to sterile speeches because they are no part of our historical culture. They do not belong to the culture of our Tricolor. Our main goal is to concretely save the fortunes of Italy through the support of all those who, motivated by a deep sense of patriotism inspired to the principles of Democracy and Freedom, have at heart the dream that the Green, the White and The Red colors of the Italian flag shall shine again.
SOS Service to the citizen
One of the main elements that characterizes the activity of Libertà nel Tricolore is the aim to support all associates through several services that are essential in everyday life. A social service that was born from a strong feeling of solidarity of all those professionals who want to give for free their consultancy with the aim of protecting the rights of every associate. The same feeling that motivates traders, craftsman and firms that, thanks to specific business agreement stipulated with our Association, can apply discounts to all members of Libertà nel Tricolore.
Why join us
Dear fellow citizen, dear compatriot, how often it has happened to you to agree with your family and/or with your friends on the fact that : “Our Italy needs a new current made up of new, competent, ethical, coherent, responsible, humble people with a great common sense…but above all people who are not willing to fight against each other being,in the end,inconclusive and harmful to the whole Country”. New people who can truly represent with pride and honour the Italian people in Europe and abroad. New people who can fulfill with integrity and conscience their institutional responsabilities. New people people who are able to respond to the economic and social needs coming from new generations without forgetting all those who contributed with sacrifices and dedication to the creation of the civilised society in which we are living. Italy needs people who can firmly express the peculiar needs of our Country in the European Parliamen; immediate, serious, coherent and concrete measures should be the basis of the relationship with the European Union. It will be necessary a trend reversal in the perception that we have today in being part of the European Community, that is : a tangibile advantage and not an unpleasant disadvantage. Well, if with this short essay, we have represented your thought, it means that you embrace our cause that is the same cause for which your grandparents and great-grandparents fought and for which you are called to respond. Join the cause of Libertà nel Tricolore!
The Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics is a set of ideal principles and concrete rules whose observance by the Association’s members and interlocutors is of fundamental importance for the good working, for the reliability an for the reputation of Libertà nel Tricolore. By drawing up and endorsing the Code of Ethics, the Association is to ensure the compliance with values such as fairness, loyalty, integrity and transparency in all actions, initiatives, behaviors and relationships both among the associates themselves and with external Public and Private Bodies. We believe that a proper personal conduct is good for the Association as every associate must consider himself as a representative of the Association towards Society. The spirit of the Ethical Code is focused on the strong will to promote and protect the reliability and the good reputation of the Association in the eyes of the citizens. In order to give tangible shape to the values and principles stated in the Code, it is necessary that representatives, board of directors and associates shall operate in accordance with the highest ethical and social standards.
The President
Domenico Piccolo
The President of “Libertà nel Tricolore”
Domenico Piccolo was born in Messina on February 21, 1977. After graduating in accounting from a local high school, he served his military service in the Air Force in the surveillance corps (V.A.M.). After the service he moved to Milan where he began working as a manager (at first in the administrative – management sector and later on in the sales one) at a French-Swiss multinational world-leading in the human resources sector. In the same period he got a degree in Political Sciences at the University of Milan obtaining a specialization in business organization and human resources management. He attained qualifications in various fields such as English language, business ethics matters and safety in the workplace. After about ten years he started his first company (later on, other business will be founded) by means of which he will able to set offices and business in Italy and abroad: United States, China, North Africa, South Europe and Latin America. Passionate about politics and texts on economics, history and law, he also practices motorcycling and motor racing.
The Principals
The Principals of Libertà nel Tricolore aim to create a socio-political-cultural aggregation of citizens who want to take part in the national political life of the country through debates in which to put forward proposals to be submitted to local and national governments.
Prosperity and Brotherhood
Equality and Democracy
Justice and Dignity
Fino al termine dell'emergenza COVID-19, le adesioni saranno gratuite.Riteniamo che in questa fase, i beni di primaria necessità abbiano la priorità su tutto. Allo stesso tempo, mai come adesso, la battaglia per la DEMOCRAZIA e LIBERTÀ, dovrà vincere all’insegna del nostro TRICOLORE.